DeRusha Download: Getting Serious on DWI, Steakhouse/Sports Bar/Stuff's Happening
Weekend Planner, Soul Bowl News, Mr. Paul's Pizza Place Name Revealed
After a quick trip to New York City (highly recommend Shukette and Superbueno), it’s back to reality. And after 6 days at the Minnesota State Fair, it’s back to eating at home again. Vegetables! I remember them. I love all your back-to-school pictures, I can’t believe my youngest is entering his final year of high school. The autumn leaves always turn a little faster than we expect, don’t they? I checked out Forepaugh’s in St. Paul Tuesday night, great cocktails, impressive wine list, food is really good with potential to be great. Nice to see something open in St. Paul! It’s been awhile. -Jason
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Wells Roadside to Open
North Loop To Get A Sports Bar
Soul Bowl Leaving Graze Food Hall
Dialogue: Drunk Driving
Find a job in the Trades + Eat Ribs in Arden Hills
Podcasts for the weekend: Abe from Hyacinth, Tim from Murray’s, A liberal and Conservative friendship
We are way too permissive of drunk driving: and solving this issue through policy is really difficult. We’re all talking about this because of the heartbreaking deaths and injuries at Park Tavern in St. Louis Park, because of a 5-time convicted drunk driver accused of being at .325% blood alcohol level. As someone who writes about food and drink, I also think a lot about our relationship with drinking to excess. It’s never been easier to avoid drinking and driving, thanks to Uber and Lyft. Addiction doesn’t generally fold in the face of interlock requirements or suspended driver’s licenses. [Listen to attorney Joe Tamburino on my radio show]
If you have 5 DWI convictions I think you should have to agree to an ignition interlock device for the rest of your life. That’s no guarantee, of course: people can use friends’ cars or buy a car without the device. Police aren’t pulling drivers over for broken lights or windows or failure to signal - a key way of busting people driving on suspended licenses. And because so many Minnesotans have DWI convictions (the state says 1 in 7 have at least one), we tend to be forgiving of a “mistake.” [AUDIO: William Moyers from Hazelden Betty Ford]
But 5 mistakes? Even if that last one was nine years ago? Maybe this tragedy is a wake-up call to lawmakers that we need to do more. AGREE? DISAGREE? Your feedback is welcome at!
If you’re looking for a speaker on food, media, career changes or current events: please reach out!
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WELLS ROADSIDE OPENS WEDNESDAY: This is exciting news. I’m a huge fan of the Craft & Crew team and their restaurants - Luke Derheim and David Benowitz are opening a year-round, outdoor restaurant in the former Galaxy Drive-In. Affordable - burgers start at $6, fries at $3, everything under $10. From Sharyn Jackson: “The Oklahoma-style smashburgers are a wagyu blend, and they’re griddled hot with the onions right on top in a contraption with an automated press that’ll give them a crispy sear in just over 30 seconds. The hot dogs are American wagyu, too, from Snake River Farms.” STRIB:
Save up to $1200 instantly! My washing machine was on the wrong side. And it’s 18 years old. The door got in the way. I love the service and the deals at locally-owned Warners’ Stellian. Glad to have the Warner Family as a DeRusha Download partner! Sale prices up to 50% off + at their website! Follow Warners’ Stellian Instagram to see how they solved our problem! Or visit a store and tell them you saw this in the Download!
JAMIE MALONE BRINGING GRAND CAFE BACK (Sort of): Paris Dining Club launched pre-sale of a Grand Cafe experience delivered to your home. With the teases I was (foolishly) hoping she was relaunching the restaurant! Pre-order the December Grand Cafe menu:
BOKETTO TO OPEN NEXT SATURDAY: The new “Mediterr-Asian” steakhouse from Kaskaid Hospitality (CRAVE, Butcher’s Tale) will open September 14. “Polished Modern.” The messaging around this place feels like a pile of nonsense to me - I’m curious to see what the place looks like. WEBSITE:
PROJECT BLACK AND BLUE BALL: Get your ticket for next Friday at Four Seasons Minneapolis, Project Black and Blue. 5-course dinner supports a fund that gives grants to service industry professionals who are dealing with mental, physical, and/or financial stress. Yia Vang is master of ceremonies, Andrew Zimmern will give keynote, Christina Nguyen, Kyle Bowles, Gustavo Romero are among the featured chefs. TICKETS:
DERUSHA BLUE RIBBON RECIPES: Has anyone made Carol’s Blue Ribbon DeRusha’s Best Banana Bread yet? [RECIPE] How about Madeline’s DeRusha Eats Blue Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies? [RECIPE]
NORTH LOOP SPORTS BAR TO OPEN IN DECEMBER: Maybe filling a hole in the party bar scene (NOLO/Loop) and the fancy spots (Margaux, Spoon) - The Rabbit Hole will have 40+ TVs in the space that used to house AxeBridge Wine. They’re planning cover bands and DJ’s at 10pm Thursday-Friday-Saturdays. From Mike Binkley: “While some of the ownership team is affiliated with Jester Concepts, the menu and food service will be overseen by chef Tom Pivec who is an owner/operator of Lord Fletcher’s on Lake Minnetonka.”
YELLOW RIBBON RIBFEST & CAREER FAIR: I’m excited to host this at the National Guard readiness center in Arden Hills two weeks from now. Career Fair with the Minnesota Building Trades from Noon-2pm, Rib Tasting Competition from 3-5:30pm. Live music, kids play area, should be awesome. It’s a sanctioned MN BBQ Society competition!
MR. PAUL’S PIZZA NAME REVEALED: It’s called Mothership Pizza Paradise at 50th & France in the former Arezzo. Wood-fired Neapolitan pizzas, handmade pastas, seating for 50.
SOUL BOWL MOVING TO NORTH MINNEAPOLIS: Gerard & Brittany Klass are moving out of Graze Food Hall at the end of the month and up the street to the V3 Center on Plymouth. MSPBJ:
My weekend: Parade-of-homing Friday, dinner at Forepaugh’s Friday night and SJU tailgating Saturday. Sunday, I’m having brunch at Diane’s Place, a reservation we made like 3 weeks ago!
FALL PARADE OF HOMES: I love the Parade of Homes: my partner Custom One MN has 3 homes on the tour - including a bargain in Savage, a beauty in Wayzata, and an entertainers dream in Credit River / Lakeville -
JAMES J. HILL DAYS, Wayzata: Rails & Ales beer festival Friday night, Fireworks show Saturday night, parade 3pm Sunday:
MAKERS MARKET NIGHT MARKET AT MODIST: Friday 7–10pm @ Modist Brewing,
EDINA FALL INTO THE ARTS FESTIVAL: Saturday 10am–5pm & Sunday 10am–6pm @ Centennial Lakes Park, 7499 France Ave S, Edina. 200 artists!
LT. GOV. DECLARES 830 WCCO DAY IN MN: Peggy Flanagan on my show:
BUY A COMMUNITY SHARE OF MN AURORA: Andrea Yoch at the fair:
A LEFT-WINGER AND RIGHT-WINGER’S FRIENDSHIP: Jen DeJournett and Avonna Starck talk environment and navigating politics.
ABE GESSESSEE ON TAKING OVER HYACINTH: The Minnesota-born Ethiopian chef on his Grand Avenue St. Paul Southern Italian restaurant.
Apple Podcast
We upload every segment so you can listen on your own time!
Proof the newsletter works!! Greg Nelson writes: “A while back you recommended going to Demi for our 40th anniversary. My wife knew that we were going out to eat, but I was able to keep the restaurant a secret. We went last night and it was absolutely fantastic! Exactly like you said. We did the premium and regular wine pairing like you recommended. I just had to let you know about our experience and thank you.” - Demi is an unparalleled experience! Glad you loved it!
The partners make it possible for me to do this — so do you! Thank you for reading!! I love seeing your feedback - so please share thoughts and news tips to